Sunday, February 10, 2008


I haven't made any new pickups this week and so thought I would entertain both of my devoted readers with a delightful recording of Tequila!

I recorded everything with a piezo pickup except for the shouting, which was provided via microphone by my three in-house vocalists. Everything went straight into the Firebox. The details:
  • Ukulele -- I doubled tracked the ukulele, both times using the small piezo disc taped in front of the bridge. One of the ukuleles has a bit of VST chorus I forgot to take off before I mixed down to two tracks.
  • Telecaster -- I taped the large piezo disc, which has a very tinny sound, between the pickups. I then applied the free VST Electri-Q equalizer, using a setting named "Electri-Q Guitar."
  • Electric Kazoo -- a very noisy instrument, made by taping the small piezo disc to a kazoo. I applied the now outdated Amplitube LE VST amp simulator to beef up the sound and then a VST limiter to get rid of some of the noise.
  • "Cymbal" -- this is a pot lid, hung from a mike boom by a string and played with a wooden chopstick. I taped the piezo film pickup to the bottom of the lid.
I added a little bit of reverb (using the free Vosengo OldSkoolVerb) to the final mix.


1 comment:

MaywoodMews said...

Prosit! Very cool, and excellent singers on the chorus ...